Gears of War 3 si aggiorna all’ Update numero 4
Aggiornamento in arrivo per Gears of War 3
di: Stefano "FefoShiro" VeritieroE’ stato comunicato ufficialmente attraverso una nota pubblicata sul portale di Epic Games, che da domani sarà possibile scaricare attraverso Xbox Live il Title Update 4, aggiornamento per il titolo di punta in casa Microsoft, Gears of War 3, che garantirà la compatibilità del gioco con il DLC di prossima uscita, “Forze della Natura”, introdurrà inoltre alcune migliorie e provvederà alla correzione di piccoli bug.
Di seguito ecco riportate le note di rilascio del Title Update 4:
- Savage Drone and Savage Grenadier can now “swat” turn in Beast mode
- Spectator mode now starts viewing a player instead of a battle camera
- Alternate control users in multiplayer will no longer look at DBNO characters when pressing R3
- The crosshair for the Longshot and Hammerburst will now show an X if a shot is obstructed.
- KOTH – ring locators are now visible in spectator mode
- KOTH – some hill locations have been adjusted
- The Onyx Guard decoy in Horde will not drop his rifle after exhausting the Vulcan ammo
- Clients will no longer be stuck with a “Waiting For Players” message up if the host quits Horde during the progression screen
- Chainsaw audio loop will now persist for listeners who leave the audible range and re-enter it
- Fixed some instances where special event ribbons would not be properly awarded
- COG pistol firing rate has been adjusted to be equal on host and clients
- The Flaming Retro Lancer is now available for attendees of the first special event
- Fixed some issues fixed related to the destruction of meatbags
- The Slab start up screen no longer has debug text
- After a host migration in Horde, the waves will no longer go past 50
- Cover near the elevator on Hotel no longer allows players to lean outside of the visible area
- Grenade throwers that are killed mid-throw will receive credit for any kills that grenade causes
- Silverback will be disabled if hit by a smoke grenade when the driver is in the middle of the exit animation
- Team Deathmatch time limit no longer resets to 3 minutes when both teams are out of respawns