Xbox Store: Prey e Dishonored 2 tra i Deals with Gold
di: Luca SaatiMicrosoft ha annunciato i Deals with Gold disponibili questa settimana su Xbox Store e validi fino al 6 Agosto.
Xbox One Deals
Aven Colony | Xbox One Game | 67% | Spotlight |
Battlefield 1 – Apocalypse | Add-On | 100% | Spotlight |
Battlefield 4 – China Rising | Add-On | 100% | Spotlight |
Battlefield 4 – Naval Strike | Add-On | 100% | Spotlight |
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock* | Xbox One Game | 50% | DWG |
Beyond Eyes | Xbox One Game | 75% | Spotlight |
Complete FH2 Add-Ons Collection | Add-On | 80% | Spotlight |
Defunct* | Xbox Play Anywhere | 50% | DWG |
Die for Valhalla!* | Xbox One Game | 25% | DWG |
Digerati Made in USSR Bundle* | Xbox One Game | 60% | DWG |
Disco Dodgeball – REMIX | Xbox One Game | 30% | Spotlight |
Dishonored 2 | Xbox One X Enhanced | 50% | Spotlight |
Dishonored Definitive Edition | Xbox One Game | 50% | Spotlight |
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider | Xbox One X Enhanced | 33% | Spotlight |
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider Deluxe Bundle | Xbox One X Enhanced | 50% | Spotlight |
Dishonored: The Complete Collection | Xbox One Game | 60% | Spotlight |
DOOM | Xbox One X Enhanced | 25% | Spotlight |
DOOM + Wolfenstein II Bundle | Xbox One Game | 67% | Spotlight |
EA SPORTS UFC 3 | Xbox One X Enhanced | 60% | Spotlight |
EA SPORTS UFC 3 Deluxe Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 60% | Spotlight |
Fallout 4 | Xbox One X Enhanced | 50% | Spotlight |
Fallout 4 Season Pass | Add-On | 50% | Spotlight |
Fallout 4: Automatron | Add-On | 40% | Spotlight |
Fallout 4: Contraptions Workshop | Add-On | 40% | Spotlight |
Fallout 4: Far Harbor | Add-On | 40% | Spotlight |
Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition | Xbox One Game | 50% | Spotlight |
Fallout 4: Nuka-World | Add-On | 40% | Spotlight |
Fallout 4: Vault-Tec Workshop | Add-On | 40% | Spotlight |
Fallout 4: Wasteland Workshop | Add-On | 40% | Spotlight |
Flockers | Xbox One Game | 75% | Spotlight |
Forsaken Remastered | Xbox One X Enhanced | 10% | Spotlight |
Fortnite – Deluxe Founder’s Pack | Add-On | 50% | Spotlight |
Fortnite – Standard Founder’s Pack | Add-On | 50% | Spotlight |
Iron Wings* | Xbox One Game | 50% | DWG |
LA Cops | Xbox One Game | 75% | Spotlight |
Masters of Anima* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 50% | DWG |
Not A Hero: Super Snazzy Edition | Xbox One Game | 75% | Spotlight |
OlliOlli2: XL Edition | Xbox One Game | 75% | Spotlight |
Overcooked | Xbox One Game | 67% | Spotlight |
Overcooked – The Lost Morsel | Add-On | 67% | Spotlight |
Overcooked: Gourmet Edition | Xbox One Game | 67% | Spotlight |
Overruled! | Xbox One Game | 75% | Spotlight |
Penarium | Xbox One Game | 75% | Spotlight |
Prey | Xbox One X Enhanced | 50% | Spotlight |
Prey + Dishonored 2 Bundle | Xbox One Game | 60% | Spotlight |
Prey: Digital Deluxe | Xbox One X Enhanced | 25% | Spotlight |
Pure Pool* | Xbox One Game | 40% | DWG |
Race Arcade* | Xbox One Game | 50% | DWG |
Raging Justice | Xbox One Game | 25% | Spotlight |
Real Farm* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 40% | DWG |
Seasons After Fall* | Xbox One Game | 75% | DWG |
Sheltered | Xbox One Game | 75% | Spotlight |
Shiness: Lightning Kingdom* | Xbox One Game | 75% | DWG |
Skyrim Special Edition + Fallout 4 G.O.T.Y Bundle | Xbox One X Enhanced | 50% | Spotlight |
Spintires: MudRunner* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 60% | DWG |
Styx: Shards of Darkness* | Xbox One Game | 75% | DWG |
The BunnyLord Pro Hater Pack | Xbox One Game | 75% | Spotlight |
The Elder Scrolls Online | Xbox One Game | 50% | Spotlight |
The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset | Xbox One Game | 25% | Spotlight |
The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset Collector’s Edition | Xbox One Game | 25% | Spotlight |
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition | Xbox One X Enhanced | 50% | Spotlight |
The Escapists | Xbox One Game | 75% | Spotlight |
The Escapists & The Escapists: The Walking Dead | Xbox One Game | 75% | Spotlight |
The Escapists 2 | Xbox One Game | 40% | Spotlight |
The Escapists 2 Season Pass | Add-On | 20% | Spotlight |
The Escapists 2 Special Edition | Xbox One Game | 20% | Spotlight |
The Escapists 2 – Big Top Breakout | Add-On | 20% | Spotlight |
The Escapists 2 – Dungeons and Duct Tape | Add-On | 20% | Spotlight |
The Escapists 2 – The Glorious Regime | Add-On | 33% | Spotlight |
The Escapists 2 – Wicked Ward | Add-On | 20% | Spotlight |
The Escapists DLC Bundle | Add-On | 75% | Spotlight |
The Escapists – Alcatraz | Add-On | 75% | Spotlight |
The Escapists – Duct Tapes are Forever | Add-On | 75% | Spotlight |
The Escapists – Escape Team | Add-On | 75% | Spotlight |
The Escapists – Supermax Edition | Xbox One Game | 75% | Spotlight |
The Escapists – The Walking Dead | Xbox One Game | 75% | Spotlight |
The Evil Within | Xbox One Game | 50% | Spotlight |
The Evil Within 2 | Xbox One X Enhanced | 60% | Spotlight |
The Evil Within Digital Bundle | Xbox One Game | 60% | Spotlight |
The Evil Within Season Pass | Add-On | 40% | Spotlight |
The Surge* | Xbox One X Enhanced | 75% | DWG |
Thea: The Awakening * | Xbox One Game | 50% | DWG |
Tour de France 2018* | Xbox One Game | 33% | DWG |
We Are The Dwarves* | Xbox One Game | 50% | DWG |
Wolfenstein II: The Freedom Chronicles Season Pass | Xbox One Game | 40% | Spotlight |
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus | Xbox One Game | 60% | Spotlight |
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Deluxe | Xbox One Game | 50% | Spotlight |
Wolfenstein: The New Order | Xbox One Game | 50% | Spotlight |
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood | Xbox One Game | 50% | Spotlight |
Wolfenstein: The Two-Pack | Xbox One Game | 50% | Spotlight |
Worms Anniversary Edition | Xbox One Game | 75% | Spotlight |
Worms Battlegrounds | Xbox One Game | 75% | Spotlight |
Worms Battlegrounds – Alien Invasion | Add-On | 75% | Spotlight |
Worms W.M.D | Xbox One Game | 67% | Spotlight |
Wuppo* | Xbox One Game | 50% | DWG |
Yoku’s Island Express | Xbox One Game | 20% | Spotlight |
Yooka-Laylee | Xbox One Game | 67% | Spotlight |
Xbox 360 Deals
Guncraft: Blocked and Loaded * | Games On Demand | 50% | DWG |
Street Fighter III: Online Edition* | Arcade | 75% | DWG |
Street Fighter IV – Complete Alternate Costume Pack* | Add-On | 70% | DWG |
Street Fighter IV* | Games On Demand | 50% | DWG |
Street Fighter X Tekken – Additional Characters Pack* | Add-On | 75% | DWG |
Street Fighter X Tekken* | Games On Demand | 80% | DWG |
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix* | Arcade | 80% | DWG |
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition – Horror Complete Pack* | Add-On | 80% | DWG |
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition – Super Complete Alternate Costume Pack* | Add-On | 60% | DWG |
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition – Ultra Complete Alternate Costume Pack* | Add-On | 60% | DWG |
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition – Vacation Complete Pack* | Add-On | 80% | DWG |
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition – Wild Complete Pack* | Add-On | 80% | DWG |
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition* | Games On Demand | 60% | DWG |
Ultra Street Fighter IV* | Games On Demand | 50% | DWG |