
Harada: sforzo notevole per Tekken 6

Console tribe news - Harada: sforzo notevole per Tekken 6

di: Giovanni Manca

Il boss responsabile del progetto Tekken 6, Katsuhiro Harada, ha rilasciato un’interessante intervista ad una magazine britannico dedicato esclusivamente a XBox 360. Harada ha dichiarato che è stato un duro lavoro sfruttare la console americana in quanto il titolo era nato su PS3 e soprattutto, comprimere il tutto su un DVD. Garantiti i sessanta fotogrammi al secondo e i particolarissimi effetti luce su entrambe le versioni Secondo Harada il lavoro di questi mesi sarà molto utile in prospettiva dei prossimi lavori dedicati a XBox 360. Di seguito il testo dell’intervista ufficiale.

It is a challenge to fit this game onto one DVD and to make sure the data is read at a fast rate. It is essential to utilize the 360?s functions and strengths to the fullest in order to accomplish the same goal. I believe that the data and experience gained during development may affect development of the next iteration of the console.Tekken 6?s graphics engine was developed for a high frame rate to create fluid motion rather than focusing purely on extravagant still shots. Using a ?fulltime adjustable animation blur? which adjusts to each character?s movement and speed, these games show a new level of smooth and dynamic movement. This technology has proved very difficult to realise with fighting games running at 60fps. Even here at NBGI, the Soul Calibur Team gave up on it for Soul Calibur 4. In order to accomplish this effect, we had to write a lot of code optimized to make full use of the PS3?s SPU. Ultimately, we implement the same motion blur on the 360 so this will be a great challenge.