Gli achievement di Gears of War: Judgment
Tutti gli obiettivi del "quarto" capitolo del brand
di: Luca "lycenhol" TrevissonCacciatori di obiettivi, questo fa per voi! Sono stati rivelati gli achievement di Gears of War: Judgment, il nuovo titolo del brand Epic previsto in esclusiva Xbox 360 per il prossimo 19 marzo.
I “traguardi” da raggiungere nel corso dell’avventura sono come solito 50.
Analizzandoli possiamo scoprire come sia data molta importanza al comparto multiplayer e come, sembra, manchino completamente le orde.
They Called Him Karn (10 points)
Completed Museum Of Military Glory
Open Arms (10 points)
Completed Halvo Bay Military Academy
The Real Thing (10 points)
Completed Seahorse Hills
Take Back This City (10 points)
Completed Onyx Point
I Told You (10 points)
Completed Downtown Halvo Bay
This One’s Not Over (10 points)
Completed Courthouse
Friends (10 points)
Completed Aftermath
Determined (10 points)
Completed all Campaign Chapters on at least Casual difficulty
Steel Nerves (10 points)
Completed all Campaign Chapters on at least Normal difficulty
Iron Fist (25 points)
Completed all Campaign Chapters on at least Hardcore difficulty
Lion Heart (50 points)
Completed all Campaign Chapters on Insane difficulty
Party People (10 points)
Played any section in 4 player Co-Op
Blood Brothers (50 points)
Completed all Campaign Chapters in Co-op
Challenge Accepted (5 points)
Completed your first Declassified mission
Never Give Up (10 points)
Completed at least 20 Declassified missions
Quality Soldiering (50 points)
Completed all Declassified missions
A Peek into the Future (10 points)
Watched Aftermath teaser
The Aftermath (20 points)
Unlocked Aftermath
Rising Star (10 points)
Attained 50 Stars on at least Casual Difficulty
Shooting Star (20 points)
Attained 75 Stars on at least Normal Difficulty
Star Struck (50 points)
Attained 100 Stars on at least Hardcore Difficulty
Superstar (50 points)
Attained all Stars on Insane Difficulty
Never Forgotten (10 points)
Recovered 10 COG Tags during the Campaign
Remembrance (10 points)
Recovered 25 COG Tags during the Campaign
Respect for the Fallen (20 points)
Recovered all 48 COG Tags during the Campaign
Ribbon Master (10 points)
Earned 3 unique Ribbons in any section
Proud Wearer (5 points)
Equipped your first Medal
Ready for War (20 points)
Earned at least one Onyx medal
Sybarite (50 points)
Earned the Onyx “War Supporter” medal
Seriously Judgmental (75 points)
Completed all Declassified Missions on Insane difficulty
Level 5 (5 points)
Reached level 5
Level 10 (10 points)
Reached level 10
Level 20 (10 points)
Reached level 20
Level 30 (15 points)
Reached level 30
Level 40 (25 points)
Reached level 40
Level 50 (25 points)
Reached level 50
Let’s Do This (50 points)
Achieved level 50 and chose to re-up for another tour of duty
Fearless (50 points)
Achieved level 50 a second time and chose to re-up for another tour
Unstoppable (50 points)
Achieved level 50 a third time and chose to re-up for another tour
Death to Locust (10 points)
Killed with all classes of COG in Overrun or Survival
Death to the COG (10 points)
Killed with all classes of Locust in Overrun
Survivor (10 points)
Completed wave 10 on all maps in Survival mode
Globe Trotter (10 points)
Won a match on every map in all Versus modes
Jack of All Trades (10 points)
Won 10 matches of Overrun
Team Leader (10 points)
Won 10 rounds of Team Deathmatch
All Rounder (10 points)
Won one match in Free For All, Team Deathmatch, and Domination
Roaming Free (10 points)
Won one match on every map in Free For All
Team On Tour (10 points)
Won one match on every map in Team Deathmatch
Overran (10 points)
Won one match on every map in Overrun
Dominator (10 points)
Won one match on every map in Domination