Gears 5: disponibile l’update numero due
di: Donato MarchisielloNuovo aggiornamento per Gears 5, ultimo chapter della storica saga di Gears of War. Nell’update numero due, The Coalition è intervenuta su svariate questioni segnalate dagli utenti, fra bug, glitch e meccaniche imperfette. In modo particolare, l’aggiornamento ha “aggiustato” il Boomshot e le Flashbang, al centro di alcune segnalazioni degli utenti su di un cattivo funzionamento. Di seguito, i dettagli dell’aggiornamento:
Gears 5 Title Update 2 Release Notes
- Improved the consistency of the Boomshot with changes to the behavior of the secondary ‘bomblets’
- Flashbangs will no longer affect players through cover
- Full fix for the drop weapon exploit, including re-enabling weapon drops
- Fixed a bug that could cause players to be perma-flashed in a match
- Fixed a bug that could cause Enemies in Escape to sometimes be unaffected by Flashes
- Fixed a bug causing the Weapon’s Locker to eat weapons in certain circumstances
- Added a new check to prevent players using certain low covers to shoot through walls, ignoring muzzle block
- Resolved an issue causing the Gnasher to have bullet magnetism while ADS when Aim Assist is disabled
- If no users vote for a map in Quickplay, the next choice will now default to a different map on the same mode rather than the same map
- Fixed a bug that caused players to have to wait a couple of seconds before being able to reload when Hijacking a Boomshot Scion
- Power granted at the start of the Horde match is no longer applied as Power Gained in Tour
- Sarah Connor: Enemies can now be gibbed when in one-shot range using her Ultimate
- Fixed an issue that could cause enemy AI to teleport and ‘double vault’ if their vault is countered
- Fixed an issue that could cause Scions to have a fully black model after being killed in Escape
- Players can no longer share Power with AI teammates
- Total Enemies Killed stat for Campaign now tracks correctly
- Escape Leaderboards no longer show ‘Top 0%’
- Resolved a state where audio could be lost in Act 4 in 3 player co-op
- Additional miscellaneous bug fixes