
Disponibile sul Marketplace la demo di Split/Second: Velocity

Console tribe news - Disponibile sul Marketplace la demo di Split/Second: Velocity

di: Santi "Sp4Zio" Giuffrida

Amanti delle quattro ruote, gioite! Lasciate che l’adrenalina vi annebbi la vista e vi solletichi la schiena! La demo di Split/Second: Velocity è stata da poco rilasciata sul Marketplace di Xbox Live. Lo spazio richiesto sui vostri hard disk è pari a 808 MB e, come sempre, è esclusiva per gli utenti Gold almeno fino alla prossima settimana.
Vi auguriamo buon download e buon divertimento.

Split/Second: Velocity Demo Races onto Xbox LIVE® online entertainment network

Disney Interactive Studios announced today that a demo of Split/Second: Velocity, the action racing game from Black Rock Studio, is now available for Xbox 360 through Xbox Live Monday 26th April and on the Playstation Store on Wednesday 5th May. Set in the world of a fictional reality TV show, Split/Second: Velocity players don?t just race to the finish line ? they trigger explosive events that alter the track to take out opponents & open up short cuts.

The demo will allow players to experience the Airport Terminal level in race mode. Players will race through a fictional airport terminal taking out opponents by triggering explosive events, bringing down the air traffic control tower and crashing a remote controlled cargo plane, in an exciting race to the finish line.

Winner of the prestigious Game Critics Award: Best of E3 2009 in the Best Racing Game category, Split/Second: Velocity will be released in Europe from 20th May. Split/Second: Velocity is rated PEGI 7+ and will be available for Xbox 360, PLAYSTATION 3 and Windows PC.