
Derek Daniels: da God of War a Quantum of Solace

Console tribe news - Derek Daniels: da God of War a Quantum of Solace

di: Giovanni Manca

Buone notizie per chi aspetta con fiducia il prossimo gioco ispirato al leggendario 007, Quantum of Solace. Treyarch per garantire la massima qualità alle fasi di combattimento del suo titolo ha pensato bene di avvalersi del responsabile di uno dei più grandi giochi di sempre, God Of War. Stiamo parlando di Derek Daniels, inserito nel team di sviluppo per ottimizzare il gameplay delle situazioni più intricate, proponendo un sistema di controllo efficace e mai ripetitivo.

“So what we did was we got the God of War combat designer to come over, his name’s Derek Daniels, he’s a great guy, really good designer, and we said look, what is enjoyable, feels responsive, feels like you’re involved but you don’t have to sit there and press every single button? So we came up with a melee system that’s very straightforward and you don’t have to do it either. That’s the other thing. One of the things in the Bourne game is you’re forced into it. We elected not to do that. You can choose whether to do it or not. You can just keep using your gun all the way through but if you want to get into melee combat that is available to you. And when you do it’s very straightforward, it’s fairly simple button presses with consequences obviously if you fail but not drastic, it’s fairly casual. We want to keep it fairly simple.”