
Skate 2: gravi problemi di framerate per la versione PS3

Console tribe news - Skate 2: gravi problemi di framerate per la versione PS3


Cattive notizie in arrivo per gli utenti PS3, dopo che i ragazzi del website GamePlayer, hanno testato con mano le reali potenzialità di Skate 2 sulla macchina targata Sony. Le loro dichiarazioni purtroppo non lasciano scampo a nessun tipo di dubbio: “la versione PS3 di Skate 2 ha presentato gravi problemi di framerate, che alterano seriamente la normale esperienza di gioco. Avendo provato anche la versione per Xbox 360, ci sentiamo di dire che la versione PS3 del gioco, funziona come un cane rispetto a quanto abbiamo visto per la console di Microsoft.”

To those of you cringing Xbox 360 owners who haven?t already read our Skate 2 review, take a deep breath and relax ? everything is more-or-less fine on your version. Those of you rocking a PS3, you have our sincerest condolences and our shared rage. Here is a snipped From The article:

“But here?s the biggy. There are some serious frame-rate concerns with the PS3 version of the game. We tested both the Xbox 360 and PS3 review code, even taking our rider in each version to the same spot in the world and switching the input on the TV back-and-forth to ensure it wasn?t some weird pre- and post-coffee phenomenon. But by comparison, the PS3 version runs like a dog. It is not a game breaker, but we did find ourselves missing landings and grinds simply on a part of the frame-rate screwing up our timing and no matter which way you look at it, that ain?t cool. Even the Xbox 360 version under high load (like stacking at full pace into an oncoming car) can momentarily hit Struggle Street.”