Xbox Store – Forza Motorsport 6 e Alien Isolation tra i Deals with Gold
di: Luca SaatiMicrosoft ha annunciato le offerte Deals with Gold disponibili da oggi su Xbox Store e validi fino all’11 Settembre.
Xbox One
Xbox 360
Let’s Sing And Dance | 80% |
Sniper: Ghost Warrior | 80% |
Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 | 80% |
Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition | 75% |
Street Fighter X Tekken | 80% |
Strider | 75% |
The Darkness II | 80% |
Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 | 75% |
Capcom Arcade Cabinet : All-In-One Pack | 75% |
Catherine | 75% |
Crazy Taxi | 75% |
Daytona Usa | 75% |
Final Fight: Double Impact | 75% |
Sega Bass Fishing | 75% |
Sega Vintage Collection: Golden Axe | 75% |
Sega Vintage Collection: Streets Of Rage | 75% |
Trine 2 | 75% |