Xbox Live – I Deals with Gold dall’1 all’8 Dicembre 2014
Microsoft ha annunciato i nuovi sconti Deals with Gold di questa settimana
di: Luca SaatiMicrosoft ha svelato i nuovi sconti Deals with Gold disponibili questa settimana su Xbox Live. Trovate l’elenco delle offerte di seguito.
Giochi Xbox One scontati fino all’8 dicembre 2014
- Metro 2033 Redux Xbox One Game 33%
- Metro Last Light Redux Xbox One Game 33%
- Metro Redux Bundle Xbox One Game 33%
Giochi Xbox 360 scontati fino all’8 dicembre 2014
- Pac Man CE DX Arcade 50%
- Pac Man Museum Arcade 67%
- Pac Man and the Ghostly Adventures Games on Demand 75%
- Cars 2: The Video Game Games on Demand 50%
- LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game Games on Demand 50%
- Pure Games on Demand 50%
- Split/Second Games on Demand 50%
- Toy Story 3 Games on Demand 50%
- Tron: Evolution Games on Demand 50%
- Ducktales Arcade 50%
- Red Faction Armageddon Games on Demand 67%
- Cars Games on Demand 50%
- Cars: Race-O-Rama Games on Demand 50%
- Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two Games on Demand 50%
- Disney Universe Games on Demand 50%
- Disney/Pixar: Brave The Video Game Games on Demand 50%
- Discs Of Tron Games on Demand 50%
- Disney Bolt Games on Demand 50%
- Disney Sing It HSM3 Games on Demand 50%
- Meet the Robinsons Games on Demand 50%
- Narnia: Prince Caspian Games on Demand 50%
- Ratatouille Games on Demand 50%
- Tron Games on Demand 50%
- Castle of Illusion Games on Demand 50%
- Risen 3 Titan Lords Games on Demand 33%
- Sacred 3 Games on Demand 33%
- Dead Island Riptide Games on Demand 80%
- Metro: Last Light Games on Demand 67%
- Metro: Last Light Season Pass Add-on 50%
- Metro 2033 Games on Demand 75%
- Saints Row IV Games on Demand 70%
- Saints Row IV Season Pass Add-on 50%
- Risen Games on Demand 75%
- Risen 2: Dark Waters Games on Demand 75%
- Winter Stars Games on Demand 67%
- Catherine Games on Demand 75%
- Who Wants to be a Millionaire Games on Demand 67%
- Killer is Dead Games on Demand 50%