Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap facciamo la conoscenza di Wonder Girl
di: Andrea "Macchiaiolo" BarbaraDotEmu non ha mostrato fino ad oggi il personaggio principale di Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap, limitandosi sempre a mostrare le trasformazioni in animale che potremo e dovremo usare durante il gioco.
La compagnia ha finalmente deciso di svelare le fattezze dell’eroe e per l’occasione ha rivelato l’esistenza di un secondo eroe giocabile: Wonder Girl

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DotEmu ha inoltre aggiunto nel suo blog quanto segue, dove possiamo ammirare lo studio dei personaggi principali partendo dalle versioni originali della versione Master System del gioco a quelle usate per questo remake.
Over the years we’ve seen many different versions of Wonder Boy, depending on the specific game or console. Even the concept art had radically different characters. With such a diverse foundation to build from, it was on me to decide which direction to move in for this latest contribution to the Wonder Boy saga.
I remember as a kid, just looking at those tiny little pixels on my TV made my imagination run wild. So the obvious design choice was to start with the material I’d spent countless hours enjoying. I began with the original sprites from the Master System, aiming for a 21st-century reinterpretation.
Here’s a look at some early character development:
It’s tricky redesigning a game that players worldwide hold dear. I hope we did it justice and that new and veteran players alike will love the game and its ‘new coat of paint.’
Of course, you still need a contingency plan, right? In this case, if a player really digs the old-school style, he/she can switch from the new HD visuals to the original graphics (and original soundtrack) just by pressing the handy Retro button. Go ahead. Do it. I won’t judge you.”