
[UPDATE], rubati i dati personali degli acquirenti

Console tribe news - [UPDATE], rubati i dati personali degli acquirenti

di: npole

È di ieri la notizia che numerosi dati degli utenti sono stati rubati da, uno dei più famosi shop online videoludici.
La società ha tenuto a precisare che i dati sono stati trafugati da un partner esterno che si occupa di pubblicità, e che tali dati comprendono il nome e cognome dell’interessato e il suo indirizzo email, quindi non quelli di pagamento (almeno per quanto ci è dato sapere), come carta di credito o indirizzo PayPal. invita quindi gli utenti a fare attenzione ad eventuali email ricevute in futuro, poiché potrebbero trattarsi di tentativi di truffa da parte di chi ha acquisito tali dati, e ricorda che in nessuna circostanza la società chiede via email dati sensibili quali la password dell’account, o i dati di pagamento.
Invita inoltre gli utenti a rigirare ogni email sospetta all’indirizzo per essere analizzata.

Di seguito il comunicato ufficiale inviato via email agli interessati:

Dear Customer,

Email Security Message

We are emailing all our customers to let you know that a company that handles part of our marketing communications has had a security breach. Unfortunately this has meant that some customer names and email addresses may have been compromised.

We take privacy and security very seriously and ensure all sensitive customer data is protected. Please be assured this issue has occurred outside of and no other personal customer information has been involved.

Please be assured we have taken every step to ensure this doesn?t happen again and accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused some of you.

Customer Advice

Please do be vigilant with your email and personal information when using the internet. At we will never ask you for information such as passwords, bank account details or credit card numbers. If you receive anything suspicious in your email, please do not click on any links and forward the email on to for us to investigate.

Thank you for continuing to shop at and we look forward to serving you in the future. Customer Service Team

[AGGIORNAMENTO]: Con un secondo comunicato, fornisce ulteriori dettagli sull’accaduto. Innanzitutto viene precisato che il furto di dati è solamente potenziale, frutto di una email di spam ricevuta da un cliente nel mese di Dicembre 2010 (“e solo adesso si ricordano?” n.d.r.) che coinvolge il partner Silverpop, che si occupa di marketing. inoltre ribadisce che nessun dato sensibile (carte di credito, indirizzi, ecc.) può essere stato trafugato in quanto questi ultimi vengono gestiti da stessa.

Di seguito il comunicato ufficiale:

Dear Customer,

As a follow up to the email we sent you last night, I would like to give you some further details. On Sunday the 20th of March some customers reported receiving a spam email to email addresses they only use for We reacted immediately by informing all our customers of this potential security breach in order for them to take the necessary precautionary steps.

We believe this issue may be related to some irregular activity that was identified in December 2010 at our email service provider, Silverpop. Investigations at the time showed no evidence that any of our customer email addresses had been downloaded. We would like to assure all our customers that the only information communicated to our email service provider was email addresses. have taken all the necessary steps with Silverpop to ensure a security breach of this nature does not happen again.

We would also like to reassure our customers that all other personal information (i.e. credit cards, addresses, passwords, etc.) are kept in the very secure environment. has one of the most stringent internal standards of e-commerce security in the industry. This is audited and tested several times a year by leading internet security companies to ensure this high level of security is maintained. On behalf of, I would like to once again apologise to our customers for any inconvenience due to a potential increase in spam that may be caused by this issue .

Best regards,


John Perkins