
Uncharted 3: in arrivo la patch 1.11

Presto disponibile un aggiornamento per l'esclusiva Sony, Uncharted 3

di: Stefano "FefoShiro" Veritiero

Attraverso il Play Station Blog il team Naughty Dog ha fatto sapere che entro la fine del mese di maggio sarà disponibile per il download la patch 1.11 per Uncharted 3. Il contenuto scaricabile introdurrà una serie di nuovi contenuti, tra cui la modalità Lab, i match ad eliminazione diretta, un nuovo menù dedicato al multiplayer per gestire le impostazioni avanzate ed una serie di piccoli perfezionamenti che andranno a rendere più godibile il titolo.

In calce alla news troverete l’elenco completo delle modifiche apportate dalla patch 1.11, anticipato da una clip in cui il Lead Multiplayer Designer Robert Cogburn ed il Game Director Justin Richmond illustrano le novità dedicate ad Uncharted 3 .



Dettagli Patch 1.11:

– The Lab returns and we begin the playlist with a T-bolt/Pistole-only map. We will be rolling out other game types as the year progresses.

  • The Lab will contain treasure drops from whatever the base game type is (the T-bolt/Pistole map is considered Team Deathmatch)

– Elimination Mode has been added.

  • Elimination mode will contain treasure drops from Team Deathmatch

– Message of the Day returns – a daily message will pop up with news, tips, and other information.

– The following custom game settings are now available via a menu in Custom Game mode called “Advanced Settings.”

  • Respawn Time
  • Buddy Spawning toggle
  • Health Multiplier – by percentage
  • Sprinting toggle
  • Weapon Mode (Default, Basic Weapons, Pistols, RPG-7)
  • Medal Kickbacks toggle
  • Boosters toggle
  • Grenade Throw Back toggle

– If you leave a game, disconnect, or turn off your PS3 mid-game, it will be counted as a loss.

– Kill and deaths no longer count towards your career stats in Plunder and Team Objective modes

– The technical hooks to make the Game of the Year edition (EU) work properly with DLC were added

– In Team Deathmatch mode the Airstrip and London maps now are listed with “No Intro” variations. If these variations are selected you’ll start those maps with no convoy events.

– The Long Ranger Medal can now be earned by achieving 3 kills at 50 meters in a match instead of 3 kills at 70 meters.