The Undergarden arriva su PS3 questo inverno
Console tribe news - The Undergarden arriva su PS3 questo inverno
di: Antonio "Difio" Di FinizioAtari ha annunciato l’arrivo del titolo scaricabile sviluppato da The Artech Studios, The Undergarden, su PlayStation 3 questo inverno.
Per darvi un’idea del titolo, rilasciato alla fine dello scorso anno su Xbox 360 e PC, vi lasciamo agli screenshot e ad un video gameplay.
The UnderGarden is a casual zen-like game that challenges players to explore beautiful underground caverns filled with strange life forms; physics based puzzles and plenty of hidden secrets. The world comes alive and music evolves as players get deeper into the world of The UnderGarden. With local co-operative gameplay, players can chill out,work together to solve puzzles and explore the world. The UnderGarden offers 20 different levels of modern exploration filled with brain teasing physics and eco-friendly puzzles that evoke an emotional response to the beauty and calm of this underwater oasis.