Successo PS3: Valve rivede la sua politica
Console tribe news - Successo PS3: Valve rivede la sua politica
di: Giovanni MancaNei mesi scorsi fecero molto discutere le scelte di Valve di non sviluppare per PS3 e di dedicarsi esclusivamente su Xbox360 e PC. Oggi la software house americana, a cui dobbiamo capolavori come Half-Life e Counter-Strike, sembra ritornare sui suoi passi: Doug Lombardi oggi ha dichiarato che il successo della macchina Sony li costringe a rivedere i loro piani riguardo ai progetti per PS3, nonostante il PC rimanga la piattaforma di riferimento e la XBox360 venga subito dopo per le naturali similarità.
“We’re always evaluating what’s happening in the marketplace and certainly something that’s happening in the last couple of months is that Sony’s managed to sell some boxes,” said Lombardi.
“So whether or not you like developing for that platform, if they’ve got millions of people connected to that platform and buying their games you have to take it seriously.”
He went on: “They’re in the race now, so we’ve got to re-evaluate that for what it is.”
PC is still its primary format, reaffirmed Lombardi, explaining that hardware similarities makes 360 its second choice.
But what are the chances of Valve opening its arms to PS3 and showing it some Left 4 Dead love? “50-50 right now,” said Lombardi.