Spunta un elenco dei videogiochi in arrivo su Wii U, c’è The Twilight Princess HD
E un mucchio di titoli Virtual Console
di: Luca SaatiIl portale Nintendo Everything ha pubblicato una lista di quelli che dovrebbero essere i prossimi giochi in arrivo su Wii U. Tra questi troviamo un mucchio di Virtual Console, una serie di giochi Wii e il remastered di The Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess HD. Di quest’ultimo in particolare si sta facendo un gran parlare. L’icona del gioco è infatti apparsa sull’eShop americano e inoltre è apparso su WiiUBrew, sito che raccoglie tutti i titoli elencati nel database di Nintendo.
Wii U Virtual Console
- 1080* Snowboarding (N64) [JP]
- Adventures of Bayou Billy, The (NES) [JP]
- Bishoujo Janshi Suchie-Pai (SNES) [JP]
- Chu Chu Rocket! (GBA) [JP]
- City Connection (NES) [JP]
- Contra Advance: The Alien Wars EX (GBA) [JP]
- Darius Twin (SNES) [JP]
- Dig Dug 2 (NES) [EU]
- Dig Dug 2 (NES) [JP]
- Drill Dozer (GBA) [JP]
- F-Zero Climax (GBA) [JP]
- Field Combat (NES) [JP]
- Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon (NDS) [JP]
- Formation Z (NES) [JP]
- Front Line (NES) [JP]
- Game & Watch Gallery 4 (GBA) [JP]
- Ganbare Goemon Gaiden: The Mystical Pipe Which Disappeared (SNES) [JP]
- Hogan’s Alley (NES) [EU]
- Hogan’s Alley (NES) [JP]
- Ignition Factor, The (SNES) [JP]
- International Track & Field 2 (MSX) [JP]
- King’s Knight (NES) [JP]
- Kirby: Canvas Curse (NDS) [JP]
- Kirby: Mass Attack (NDS) [JP]
- Klonoa 2: Dream Champ Tournament (GBA) [JP]
- Kururin Paradise (GBA) [JP]
- Konami Krazy Racers (GBA) [JP]
- Legend of the River King 3 & 4 (GBA) [JP]
- Legend of the River King 5 (GBA) [JP]
- Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, The (N64) [JP]
- Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, The (NDS) [JP]
- Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks, The (NDS) [JP]
- Legendary Starfi 2 (GBA) [JP]
- Legendary Starfi 3 (GBA) [JP]
- Majin Tensei II: Spiral Nemesis (SNES) [JP]
- Mario Kart 64 (N64) [JP]
- Mario Party Advance (GBA) [JP]
- Mario Tennis (N64) [JP]
- Mario Vs Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis (NDS) [JP]
- Medabots: Metabee Version (GBA) [JP]
- Medabots: Rokusho Version (GBA) [JP]
- Medabots Navi: Kabuto Version (GBA) [JP]
- Medabots Navi: Kuwagata Version (GBA) [JP]
- Mega Man Battle Network 4.5: Real Operation (NDS) [JP]
- Mega Man Battle Network 6: Cybeast Falzar (GBA) [JP]
- Mega Man Battle Network 6: Cybeast Gregar (GBA) [JP]
- Metal Slader Glory: Director’s Cut (SNES) [JP]
- Metro Cross (NES) [JP]
- Moeri Twinbee: Rescue Dr. Cinnamon! (NES) [JP]
- Onimusha Tactics (GBA) [JP]
- Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (GBA)(NDS) [JP]
- Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice for All (GBA)(NDS) [JP]
- Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team (NDS) [JP]
- Pokémon Ranger (NDS) [JP]
- Polarium Advance (GBA) [JP]
- Power Instinct (SNES) [JP]
- Sennen Kazoku (GBA) [JP]
- Shining Force: Resurrection of the Dark Dragon (GBA) [JP]
- Shining Soul (GBA) [JP]
- Shining Soul II (GBA) [JP]
- Sin & Punishment (N64) [JP]
- Sonic Advance 2 (GBA) [JP]
- Sonic Advance 3 (GBA) [JP]
- Space Invaders: The Original Game (SNES) [JP]
- Star Fox 64 (N64) [JP]
- Star Fox Command (NDS) [JP]
- Star Luster (NES) [JP]
- Super Mario 64 DS (NDS) [JP]
- Super Mario All-Stars (SNES) [JP]
- Treasure of the Rudras (SNES) [JP]
- Tsukikomori (SNES) [JP]
- Wagan Land 2 (NES) [JP]
- Wild Gunman (NES) [EU]
- Wild Gunman (NES) [JP]
- Wrecking Crew ’98 (SNES) [JP]
- Yoshi: Touch & Go! (NDS) [JP]
Giochi Wii su Wii U
- Kiki Trick [JP]
- Kirby’s Epic Yarn [JP]
- Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, The [JP]
- Mario Strikers Charged Football [JP]
- Mario Super Sluggers [JP]
- Metroid: Other M [JP]
- New Super Mario Bros. Wii [EU]
- New Super Mario Bros. Wii [JP]
- Poképark Wii: Pikachu’s Adventure [JP]
- Super Paper Mario [JP]
- Wario Land: Shake It [JP]
- Xenoblade Chronicles [JP]
Giochi Wii U
- Kamen Rider Summon Ride! [EU]
- Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD, The [JP]