Splatterhouse ritorna
Console tribe news - Splatterhouse ritorna
di: Giovanni MancaSplatterhouse, uscito in versioni arcade esattamente venti anni fa, fu un divertente piacchiaduro a scorrimento con interessanti elementi tipici dei survival-horror. Il magazine EGM oggi ha annunciato che rivelerà presto il primo Splatterhouse per console next-gen che sarà sviluppato sempre da Bandai-Namco.
Splatterhouse is arguably the first survival horror game ever. Sure, it was a bit heavy on the horror and light on the survival, but it’s hard to come up with an earlier example of a game with as much bloodshed and terror as this arcade beat-em-up. Purveyors of violence and filth that we videogame folk are, we couldn’t be more excited to present the exclusive reveal of Namco Bandai’s next-gen resurrection of the Splatterhouse franchise in the upcoming June issue of EGM.