
Socom 4 si aggiorna e si espande (gratuitamente)

Console tribe news - Socom 4 si aggiorna e si espande (gratuitamente)

di: Simone Cantini

Zipper Intercative, attraverso le parole del Senior Community Manager Jeremy Dunham, ha annunciato il rilascio di una patch correttiva per il quarto episodio del suo shooter. Stando alle parole di Dunham, l’aggiornamento per SOCOM 4 dovrebbe essere già disponibile per il download.
Questo il changelog ufficiale:


?Increased character movement strafe and backwards-movement speeds

Weapons and Gear

?Revised PE4 Explosives: Dramatically reduced throwing velocity and throwing distance; lowered damage value
?Adjusted accuracy values to be more unique by weapon


?When colliding with geometry or when moving to narrow spaces, the camera now moves above the player?s head
?Increased the duration of the Victory Dance animation and capped them at a XP maximum of 10 dances per round
?Sped up and smoothed out the ?settling into crouch? character movement


?Updated tap-to-talk in Classic mode so that it functions properly with all DualShock control schemes and the PlayStation Move and Sharp Shooter peripherals (press ?up? on the directional pad)
?Added controller option that allows players to adjust their ?Dead Zone? and ?Acceleration?
?Added option to activate a center dot in the targeting reticule
?Added option to turn in-game XP displays on or off
?Clans that are ?Ready? to play are now filtered to the top of the Clan Challenge list
?Players can now cancel Clan Challenge invites; Challenges also auto-cancel when player count drops below minimum
?Added Clan Lobby ?Player Counts? and ?Wait for Response? messaging to Clan Challenge invites
?Added automatic ?Not Ready? status to Clan Challenges when the player count drops below the required minimum
?Multiplayer Game-types are now organized by category


?Prepares code for upcoming bonus SOCOM Pro Assault Pack add-on
?Fixed issue ?spawn delay? issue that prevented players from spawning consistently at the start of a round
?Repaired problem with ?frozen? game clock that stayed at 0:00 when respawning or starting another round
?Resolved various multiplayer ?PS3 crash? scenarios


?Various localization fixes

Ma la notizia che più di ogni altra farà la felicità dei possessori del gioco targato Zipper è relativa al rilascio del SOCOM Pro Assault Pack, un DLC completamente gratuito(inizialmente previsto per lo scorso aprile), che dovrebbe essere reso disponibile nella giornata di oggi, a seguito del consueto aggiornamento del PlayStation Store.