
Released: Wii Linux Proof of Concept 0.1

Console tribe news - Released: Wii Linux Proof of Concept 0.1

di: p4m

GC-Linux ha rilasciato una mini-distro Proof of Concept di Linux per Wii intesa per essere eseguita via Twilight Hack, che fornisce anche una shell attraverso l’adattatore USB gecko e un programma di emulazione terminale seriale sul PC:

24 Feb 2008: Long time, no see Although we haven’t posted any news in the last 2 years, we have silently continued our work keeping the kernel patches up to date. With the latest 2.6.24 (…24-gc.patch.gz) release we have added support for the USB Gecko ( adapter as a console and terminal, so you can now logon into your gc-linux distro using minicom or HyperTerminal (TM).

And last but not least, we have finally run natively Linux on the Nintendo Wii through Team Tweezers’ twilight-hack ( We have released a small usbgecko-enabled Proof of Concept (…ux-PoC-0.1.tgz) mini-distro to prove it.

Did I say have fun? 🙂

Rilasciata la nuova versione 0.2 sempre proof. Queste le caratteristiche:

– Fixed a long-standing bug that prevented some SD cards with block sizes greater than 512 bytes to work.
– Kernel is now based on the powerpc branch instead of the ppc branch which is scheduled to die in June 2008.
– Additional classic gamecube hardware (audio, pads) works now in Wii mode.
– 52MB of MEM2 can be used as a block device through /dev/mem2.

Già disponibile il download.

[grazie a superpirla per la segnalazione]