RARE: gli AVATAR prima dei Mii
Console tribe news - RARE: gli AVATAR prima dei Mii
di: Giovanni MancaQuando durante la conferenza del E3 Microsoft presentò i nuovi Avatar, tutti pensarono ad un tentativo della casa di Redmond di replicare sulla sua console il successo dei Mii Nintendo, copiandoli. Sembra però che l’origine degli Avatar non vada cercata nelle idee della concorrenza: oggi RARE ha rivelato a Gamekyo di essere al lavoro sul progetto Avatar ben prima che Nintendo presentasse i Mii.
Rare was working on Avatars before Miis were part of gaming scene. Musgrave said : ‘It was an idea we had, even before Miis were part of the gaming scene, of putting these characters that you have an affinity with, not necessarily as part of the Xbox dash, but somewhere in the Xbox that you would play multiple games with, that you would have multiple experiences with that same character. […] We had a project up and running that had Avatars in them and the aim was always to have this component where you were able to customise your character and apply clothing to them. […] Microsoft did not turn up one day in a speeding car and say, ‘They’ve got Miis – do something!’ It wasn’t like that at all; it was something that fell into place over a period of time. […] Should these things be little animals, should they be quirky characters, should they be Spore-like creatures, should they be ultra-real humans? We landed in the place that we have from the overriding theme that is approachability.’