
PS3 l’ultima console di Sony?

Console tribe news - PS3 l'ultima console di Sony?

di: Giovanni Manca

In queste ora sta facendo molto discutere un editoriale apparso su, riportato non solo dai principali portali di videogames internazionali ma anche da quelli che si occupano di alta finanza. La concorrenza spietata di macchine più economiche, il minore supporto di titoli esclusivi rispetto al passato e la grave crisi economica spingerebbero inesorabilmente Sony ad abbandonare il settore console. Dunque la PS3 potrebbe essere l’ultima macchina da gioco creata dal colosso giapponese, il quale si concentrerebbe unicamente sullo sviluppo del software.
Ovviamente tutti noi ci auguriamo che l’analisi fatta da sia smentita in futuro già da dichiarazioni di Howard Stringer e Kaz Hirai.

But at this rate ? failing economy, cheaper competitor consoles, lesser third-party exclusivity ? Sony could be heading the same route of Sega and simply hanging up the console fighting gloves altogether. Between less than stellar sales figures, extremely costly research and development, and the cost of production, the PS3’s only saving grace for Sony, at the moment, is the PS2’s strong selling power for the entire PlayStation brand. Besides, ending a console run with such a prestigious piece of equipment as the PS3 certainly isn?t a bad way to go out.

It?s an extreme long-shot to put one?s trust in cutting the price on the PS3 to turn things around, but it could help bring in some dominance in the market value of the Sony brand, once again. But even with a price-cut on the pricey console, it may not be enough to start turning profits in the entertainment [gaming] division for Sony unless manufacturing costs drop again. Software would also have to be used to propel gamers to further purchase the console, otherwise Sony will stay in a deadlock with Microsoft, competing for the undecided gamers.

Hands down, though, it?s not a pretty picture for Sony, and the economy is letting everyone know that this is going to be a very long haul. Things could always turn around for the company, and when they do Blend Games will be sure to let you know. Until then, be sure to stay tuned in with us, or drop by the Blend Games Forum for further discussions on the hottest games.