
Phil Spencer: europei fidelizzati a Sony ma ancora per poco

Console tribe news - Phil Spencer: europei fidelizzati a Sony ma ancora per poco

di: Giovanni Manca

Sulle pagine del noto magazine online il capo di Microsoft Game Studios, Phil Spencer, ha rilasciato un’ampia intervista in cui rivela le intenzioni di Microsoft di rafforzare la propria strategia di marketing per conquistare definitivamente i players europei. Spencer ha dichiarato di comprendere benissimo i motivi per cui gli utenti europei sono talmente fidelizzati a Sony ma che investendo sui giochi e le persone giuste riusciranno ad avere la meglio anche sotto questo aspetto.

Q: You’re now headed back to the US to run Microsoft Game Studios – will Europe still maintain a priority in your thinking as a result?

Phil Spencer: We created [MGS Europe] 18 months ago as an organisation to run content, to run our publishing business here. You saw us create a team with Chris Lewis and David Gosen to fill out the marketing and platform and content, so I feel that we have leadership momentum here – and I include Mark Betteridge and Peter Molyneux and leaders in our studios as part of that team.

We look at our success to date, and we understand – much like our discussion about Japan – that having content creators and content that is very tailored towards the European market is incredibly important, especially in the console space in the competitive environment that we’re in.

I understand as a gamer the brand that Sony has here, and the work that we need to do to build content and franchises that uniquely resonate with the customers in the different European markets. Investment in studios, investment in people on the ground creating games is critical to us succeeding in this market.

And ensuring that when games come out, as with Lips and other things, that we tailor those games to the specific markets – so if you’re in Spain and you want to hear a Spanish pop song, you should be able to do that, and we’re doing the work to enable that functionality. That is important.

The team here [in Europe], even though I’m going back, will continue to grow and continue to be part of our success. I’d like to think that my time here will make me a better leader for MGS on a global basis in understanding what it means to succeed.

So this time, I think it was too short because we enjoyed our time here, but I think it was invaluable in thinking about how MGS should expand to be a global publisher for content across the world.