Come l’arcobaleno segue il fortunale, ecco che la release della patch 1.36 di Home segue l’annuncio della stessa.
Eccovi la release note completa:
Patch Notes Improvements
We have reduced the time Home takes to start up. After installing and loading the patch for the first time, subsequent loads will be significantly quicker from then on.
We?ve also improved the 3D audio positioning for stereo and 5.1 surround sound.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug that could cause large files to be improperly cached.
Fixed a bug that would prevent you from changing the size of the cache under certain circumstances.
Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when taking photographs.
Ancora nessun accenno ai problemi, sorti dalla versione 1.30 in poi, che provocano blocchi della console accedendo alla Piazza Centrale di Home o ad altre location. Speriamo che siano stati risolti.