Nuovo starter pack 60gb
Console tribe news - Nuovo starter pack 60gb
di: markSi è parlato molto negli ultimi tempi della commercializzazione della nuova XBOX360 con hard disk da 60gb anziche’ da 20gb ma non era chiaro che fine avrebbe fatto quest’ultimo in qualità di accessorio. Grazie ad alcune informazioni si è appreso che il vecchio hard disk con capacità 20gb non sarà più commercializzato in favore del nuovo 60gb. Microsoft avrebbe così deciso di mettere sul mercato, il 21 novembre e al costo relativamente irrisorio di soli ?79, uno starter pack contenente un hard disk da 60gb, 3 mesi di abbonamento live, un headset, e un cavo ethernet.
With the introduction of the 60GB Pro console in July, we have research that suggests it is very important to have a 60GB stand alone Hard Drive to go along with it to allow the consumer a full range of choices and values. In late October/early November (exact date TBD but most likely last week in October or 1st week in November), we will ship the Xbox 360 60GB Hard Drive, tentatively called the ?Xbox 360 60GB LIVE Starter Pack?. This will be an excellent value price at and ERP of $99.99 with an 18% retail margin that contains:
· 60GB Hard Drive
· 3 Months of Xbox Live
· Xbox 360 Wired Headset
· Xbox 360 Ethernet Cable (same one that is included with Pro and Elite)
Positioning: For Xbox 360 Arcade and Core console owners, the Xbox 360 60GB Live Starter Pack offers all of the components to get onto Xbox LIVE and jump in to on line multiplayer gaming and Marketplace content downloads at an incredible value.
With the end of life of the 20GB Hard Drive and the price drop of the 120GB Hard Drive to $149.99 in September, this new 60GB hard drive will fit very well into our ?Choice and Value? pillar and will fit nicely into our accessory line up. Exact SKU/UPC/Set up info will come soon and once we nail down the exact MSD, I will let you all know immediately.