Murder On Space Station 52, il nuovo dev diary mostra il passaggio dalla penna al pixel
di: Luca SaatiLo sviluppatore solitario Made From Strings e l’editore Dionous Games hanno pubblicato oggi un nuovo diario dello sviluppatore per il loro giallo “Agatha Christie nello spazio” in arrivo su PC, PlayStation, Xbox e Switch, Murder On Space Station 52. Nel video, lo sviluppatore Christopher Mathes fa un’immersione profonda nell’arte del gioco, mostrando il suo lavoro di inchiostrazione disegnato a mano e il processo iterativo per portare l’arte dal bianco e nero su carta agli ambienti art-deco-sci-fi a colori che si vedono nel gioco. Scoprite le ispirazioni artistiche del gioco, come Christopher ha creato i personaggi unici che saranno i sospetti su cui indagherete nel gioco e molto altro ancora.
In Murder On Space Station 52, you play as Edward Locke. The new repairman finds himself trapped on a strange space station filled with even stranger people, including one with a penchant for leaving dead bodies lying around with keys in their wounds. Edward soon finds himself filling out a murder board with suspects as he tries to draw connections and figure out which of them is the Keychain Killer.
The game’s murder mystery investigation draws on classic adventure game mechanics with its point and click puzzles, while also offering a modern touch thanks to in-game currency that you earn as you explore, allowing you to customise your apartment and fill an aquarium with an array of strange and curious creatures. It’s all on show in the dev commentary video and you can delve further into the richly conceived world of Space Station 52, get a taste of its rip-roaring blues-inspired soundtrack and fully voiced cast of charismatic characters in the game’s announcement trailer.

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