
Mirror’s Edge entra in fase Gold

Console tribe news - Mirror's Edge entra in fase Gold

di: al85ex

Dopo i tantissimi video rilasciati e dopo la demo in release sia per il Live di Xbox360 e sia per il PSN di PlayStation3 la software house canadese EA Games è lieta di annunciare con un comunicato ufficiale che l’attesissimo titolo Mirror’s Edge è entrato nella fase Gold. Il capolavoro videoludico verrà rilasciato sugli scaffali europei il prossimo 14 Novembre. Di seguito il comunicato ufficiale:


DICE announced today that the highly acclaimed and award-winning first-person action adventure title, Mirror?s Edge?, has gone gold. Mirror?s Edge has been praised by top industry media saying it is ?the most exciting first-person adventure of the year? (EGM) and ?poetry in motion? (Official Xbox Magazine). The game also won this year?s Game Critics Award for ?Best Original Game? at E3.

Gamers can experience first-hand what life is like as a runner with the recently released Mirror?s Edge demo that is available via PlayStation® Store and Xbox LIVE? Marketplace. Players who pre-order the game* will also receive an unlock code for exclusive access to the Time Trial mode. Time Trial is an addictive mode that challenges players to use their speed and best moves to find the fastest routes throughout the city. Gamers can upload their best time to the Mirror?s Edge online leaderboards for their friends to download and compete against. Players can see their friend?s ?ghost? run as they race to the top of the leaderboards.

For those unfamiliar with the game, Mirror?s Edge is a unique first-person action adventure where players are introduced to Faith, a ?Runner? in a world where communication channels are highly monitored and the movement of information is closely watched. When Faith?s sister gets framed for murder, Faith finds herself on the edge of the city, on the wrong side of the law.

Shipping to retail outlets worldwide on November 13rd for the PLAYSTATION®3 and the Xbox 360®, Mirror?s Edge was developed at EA Digital Illusions CE AB (DICE) in Stockholm, Sweden. For more information on Mirror?s Edge please visit