
Mass Effect 3: trapelata la trama del DLC Omega

Occhio agli spoiler

di: Scric93

Pare che alcuni fan dellla serie abbiano trovato un file contenente la trama del DLC intitolato Omega di Mass Effect 3 direttamente nel disco di gioco.

OXM ha riportato quindi l’estratto del file, che tuttavia vi sconsigliamo di leggere se non volete ricevere delle anticipazioni. Se siete curiosi invece di scoprire cosa vi aspetta nelle nuove missioni a bordo della stazione Omega, eccovi il testo originale:


Aria tells you that Omega is now under a blockade from Cerberus. Since a direct attack didn’t work, Cerberus is now trying to starve Omega into submission by blockading supply ships coming in through the regular Omega relay. The level’s appearance will change to reflect this – the Afterlife has gone quiet, the music is off, the flashing lights are gone, maybe a soup kitchen has taken over the dance floor. Aria requests that you steal into the blockade and board the command ship. Take down the blockade so Omega can be resupplied.

As punishment for breaking the neutrality pact, Cerberus launches an attack against Omega. The enemy is attempting to destroy Omega’s shields, which will allow asteroids and meteors to smash into the station. You must repel the assault and ensure the shield remain operational.