Installazione su hard disk, grafica migliore con NXE?
Console tribe news - Installazione su hard disk, grafica migliore con NXE?
di: markLa New Xbox Experience è una vera e propria rivoluzione in tutti i sensi. Una delle novità più importanti sarà l’opzionale installazione dei giochi su hard disk che consentirà un certo risparmio sui tempi di caricamento. A quanto sembra che i giovamenti della nuova features non finiscono qua, secondo dei test effettuati su Fable2 la grafica risulta più nitida e luminosa. Sembra infatti come se il gioco, o il processore grafico, abbiano subito un aggiornamento.
But there’s one feature I’m using that is undeniably awesome: Saving games to the hard drive. As soon as I got the NXE (new Xbox experience) beta test, I immediately saved “Fable 2” to the hard drive, mainly because the game is constantly accessing data from the disc and it is loud, even by Xbox 360 standards. I was hoping I would no longer be distracted by the noise of a disc spinning with such fury it could fly out of the machine and behead me and I was right. The 8 minutes or so it took to transfer the game to my hard drive was well worth it, because the 360 is now virtually silent while I play.
But there was one extra, unexpected benefit: “Fable 2” looks noticeably better. The graphics are sharper and brighter. So much so that it’s like the game, or my graphics processor, has gotten an upgrade. Perhaps someone more familiar with programming can tell me why, but I assume it has to do with the fact that it’s easier for the console to access and process all the requisite data, so it has to make fewer compromises to deliver me graphics in real time.