I videogiochi preferiti dei Giapponesi apparsi su Playstation
Un recente sondaggio svela i videogiochi preferiti dai Giapponesi su Playstation
di: Luca SaatiUn recente sondaggio di Sony in Giappone ha chiesto a 10 mila intervistati di indicare i loro videogiochi preferiti apparsi sulle piattaforme Playstation. I risultati sono decisamente interessanti e li trovate di seguito.
Giochi più popolari di sempre
- Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride (PS2)
- Final Fantasy VII (PSone)
- Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen (PSone)
- Final Fantasy X (PS2)
- Resident Evil (PSone)
- Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King (PS2)
- Final Fantasy (PSone)
- Dragon Quest VII: Warriors of Eden (PSone)
- Puyo Puyo! (PSone)
- Tetris (PSone)
- Final Fantasy IX (PSone)
- Kingdom Hearts (PS2)
- Final Fantasy VIII (PSone)
- Pro Evolution Soccer 4 Liveware Evolution In Formation (PS2)
- Gran Turismo (PSone)
- Kingdom Hearts II (PS2)
- Derby Stallion (PSone)
- Dynasty Warriors (PSone)
- Resident Evil 2 (PSone)
- Hot Shots Golf (PSone)
Giochi più popolari di sempre (utenti da 40 anni in su)
- Resident Evil (PSone)
- Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride (PS2)
- Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen (PSone)
- Final Fantasy VII (PSone)
- Final Fantasy (PSone)
- Final Fantasy X (PS2)
- Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King (PS2)
- Puyo Puyo! (PSone)
- Dragon Quest VII: Warriors of Eden (PSone)
- Tetris (PSone)
- Derby Stallion (PSone)
- Gran Turismo (PSone)
- Hot Shots Golf (PSone)
- Resident Evil 2 (PSone)
- Final Fantasy IV (PSone)
- Crash Bandicoot (PSone)
- PaRappa the Rappa (PSone)
- Final Fantasy VIII (PSone)
- My Summer Vacation (PSone)
- Ridge Racer (PSone)
Giochi più popolari di sempre (teenager)
- Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King (PS2)
- Kingdom Hearts II (PS2)
- Monster Hunter Portable 3rd (PSP)
- Monser Hunter Portable 2nd G (PSP)
- Kingdom Hearts (PS2)
- My Summer Vacation (PSone)
- Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2)
- Dynasty Warriors (PSone)
- Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride (PSone)
- Resident Evil (PSone)
- Resident Evil 4 (PS2)
- Final Fantasy Type-0 (PSP)
- Arc the Lad (PSone)
- God Eater 2 (PSP)
- Dragon Quest VII: Warriors of Eden (PSone)
- Crash Bandicoot: Warped (PSone)
- Grand Theft Auto V (PS3)
- Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2014 (PS3, PS Vita, PSP)
- Crash Bandicoot (PSone)
- Taiko Drum Master: Appare Sandaime (PS2)
Giochi diventati libri o film
- Final Fantasy X (PS2)
- Final Fantasy VII (PSone)
- Resident Evil (PSone)
- Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride (PS2)
- Final Fantasy (PSone)
- Final Fantasy IX (PSone)
- Final Fantasy VIII (PSone)
- Arc the Lad (PSone)
- Dragon Quest IV: Warriors of Eden (PSone)
- Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2)
- Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King (PS2)
- Kingdom Hearts II (PS2)
- Kingdom Hearts (PS2)
- Tales of the Abyss (PS2)
- Final Fantasy IV (PSone)
- Okami (PS2)
- Final Fantasy XII (PS2)
- Clannad (PS2)
- Final Fantasy V (PSone)
Giochi più esilaranti
- Momotaro Dentetsu 11: Black Bombee Arrives! (PS2)
- Momotaro Dentetsu 7 (PSone)
- Hot Shots Golf (PSone)
- Puyo Puyo! (PSone)
- Momotaro Densetsu (PSone)
- Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (PSP)
- Resident Evil (PSone)
- Pro Evolution Soccer 4 Liveware Evolution In Formation (PS2)
- Monster Hunter Portable 3rd (PSP)
- Dance Dance Revolution (PS2)
- Bomberman (PSone)
- Momotaro Dentetsu 16: Moving in Hokkaido! (PS2)
- Itadaki Street Gorgeous King (PS2)
- Taiko Drum Master: Appare Sandaime (PS2)
- Street Fighter (PSone)
- Momotaro Dentetsu 12: All Aboard for Western Japan! (PS2)
- Momotaro Dentetsu X: Kyushu Version (PS2)
- Arc the Lad (PSone)
- Gran Turismo (PSone)
- Momotaro Dentetsu USA (PS2)
Giochi più esilaranti durante l’era Showa
- Momotaro Dentetsu 11: Black Bombee Arrives! (PS2)
- Momotaro Dentetsu 7 (PSone)
- Hot Shots Golf (PSone)
- Puyo Puyo (PSone)
- Momotaro Densetsu (PSone)
- Resident Evil (PSone)
- Pro Evolution Soccer 4 Liveware Evolution In Formation (PS2)
- Dance Dance Revolution (PS2)
- Bomberman (PS2)
- Momotaro Dentetsu 16: Moving in Hokkaido! (PS2)
- Itadaki Street Gorgeous King (PSone)
- Street Fighter (PSone)
- Momotaro Dentetsu X: Kyushu Version (PS2)
- Gran Turismo (PSone)
- Momotaro Dentetsu 12: All Aboard for Western Japan! (PS2)
- Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (PSP)
- Arc the Lad (PSone)
- PaRappa the Rappa (PSone)
- Taiko Drum Master: Appare Sandaime (PS2)
- Tetris (PSOne)
Giochi più esilaranti durante l’era Heisei
- Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (PSP)
- Monster Hunter Portable 3rd (PSP)
- Pro Evolution Soccer 4 Liveware Evolution In Formation (PS2)
- Taiko Drum Master: Appare Sandaime (PS2)
- Momotaro Dentetsu 7 (PS2)
- Puyo Puyo! (PSone)
- Puyo Puyo Fever (PS2)
- Dynasty Warriors (PSone)
- Momotaro Dentetsu 11: Black Bombee Arrives! (PS2)
- Dance Dance Revolution (PS2)
- Resident Evil (PSone)
- Momotaro Dentetsu 12: All Aboard for Western Japan! (PS2)
- Crash Team Racing (PSone)
- Resident Evil 5 (PS3)
- Momotaro Densetsu (PSone)
- Momotaro Dentetsu 16: Moving in Hokkaido! (PS2)
- Momotaro Dentetsu USA (PS2)
- Arc the Lad (PSone)
- Crash Bash (PSone)
- Hot Shots Golf (PSone)
Giochi più esilaranti tra gli uomini
- Momotaro Dentetsu 11: Black Bombee Arrives! (PS2)
- Hot Shots Golf (PSone)
- Momotaro Dentetsu 7 (PS2)
- Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (PSP)
- Pro Evolution Soccer 4 Liveware Evolution In Formation (PS2)
- Resident Evil (PSone)
- Momotaro Densetsu (PSone)
- Monster Hunter Portable 3rd (PSP)
- Puyo Puyo! (PSone)
- Bomberman (PSone)
- Itadaki Street Gorgeous King (PSone)
- Momotaro Dentetsu 16: Moving in Hokkaido! (PS2)
- Arc the Lad (PSone)
- Gran Turismo (PSone)
- Momotaro Dentetsu 12: All Aboard for Western Japan! (PS2)
- Momotaro Dentetsu X: Kyushu Version (PS2)
- Street Fighter (PSone)
- Momotaro Dentetsu 15: Godai Bombi Toujou! No Maki (PS2)
- Hot Shots Golf 2 (PSone)
- Momotaro Dentetsu USA (PS2)
Giochi più esilaranti tra le donne
- Puyo Puyo! (PSone)
- Momotaro Dentetsu 11: Black Bombee Arrives! (PS2)
- Momotaro Densetsu (PSone)
- Dance Dance Revolution (PS2)
- Momotaro Dentetsu 7 (PS2)
- Resident Evil (PSone)
- Taiko Drum Master: Appare Sumaide (PS2)
- Hot Shots Golf (PSone)
- Monster Hunter Portalbe 3rd (PSP)
- Puyo Puyo Tsu Ketteiban (PSone)
- Bomberman (PSone)
- Momotaro Dentetsu 16: Moving in Hokkaido! (PS2)
- Crash Bandicoot (Psone)
- Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (PSP)
- Itadaki Street Gorgeous King (PSone)
- Tetris (PSone)
- Puyo Puyo Fever (PSone)
- Katamari Damacy (PS2)
- Street Fighter (PSone)
- Momotaro Dentetsu 12: All Aboard for Western Japan! (PS2)
Remake o sequel più desiderati
- Final Fantasy VII (PSone)
- Dragon Quest VIII: Journey the Cursed King (PS2)
- Resident Evil (PSone)
- Final Fantasy (PSone)
- Gran Turismo 6 (PS3)
- Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Sword (PS2)
- Resident Evil 6 (PS3)
- Kingdom Hearts II (PS2)
- Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen (PSone)
- Arc the Lad (PSone)
- Final Fantasy IX (PSone)
- Monster Hunter Portable 3rd (PSP)
- Final Fantasy X (PS2)
- Kingdom Hearts (PS2)
- Xenogears (PSone)
- Pro Evolution Soccer 4 Liveware Evoluition In Formation (PS2)
- Final Fantasy VIII (PSone)
- Dragon Quest VII: Warriors of Eden (PSone)
- Final Fantasy VII International (PSone)
- Gran Turismo (PSone)
Remake o sequel più desiderati dagli uomini
- Final Fantasy VII (PSone)
- Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King (PS2)
- Gran Turismo 6 (PS3)
- Resident Evil (PSone)
- Final Fantasy (PSone)
- Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride (PS2)
- Resident Evil 6 (PS3)
- Arc the Lad (PSone)
- Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen (PSone)
- Monster Hunter Portable 3rd (PSP)
- Pro Evolution Soccer 4 Liveware Evolution In Formation (PS2)
- Final Fantasy IX (PSone)
- Gran Turismo (PSone)
- Xenogears (PSone)
- Densha de GO! (PSone)
- Kingdom Hearts II (PS2)
- Grand Theft Auto V (PS3)
- Final Fantasy X (PS2)
- Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2014 (PS3, PS Vita, PSP)
- Dragon Quest VII: Warriors of Eden (PSone)
Sequel o remake più desiderati dalle donne
- Final Fantasy VII (PSone)
- Final Fantasy (PSone)
- Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the CUrsed King (PS2)
- Kingdom Hearts II (PS2)
- Resident Evil (PSone)
- Kingdom Hearts (PS2)
- Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen (PSone)
- Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Sword (PS2)
- Resident Evil 6 (PS3)
- Final Fantasy IX (PSone)
- Arc the Lad (PSone)
- Okami (PS2)
- My Summer Vacation (PSone)
- Final Fantasy X (PS2)
- Final Fantasy VIII (PSone)
- Dynasty Warriors (PSone)
- Suikoden (PSone)
- Tetris (PSone)
- Monster Hunter Portable 3rd (PSP)
- Tales of the Abyss (PS2)