
I 30 giovani più influenti del mondo videoludico secondo Forbes

C'è anche un italiano

di: Luca Saati

La rivista finanziaria Forbes ha pubblicato la classifica dei 30 under 30 più influenti nel mondo videoludico. Nella classifica troviamo al primo posto lo youtuber Jordan Maron con i suoi video visualizzati da ben 2 miliardi di persone. Trova spazio anche Zoe Quinn, sviluppatrice indipendente e causa del Gamergate. C’è anche un italiano, Tommaso Checchi, sviluppatore di Mojang e figura di rilievo dietro alla versione mobile di Minecraft. 

  1. Jordan Maron, 23 – YouTuber, Founder of Xreal
  2. Alex Beaucum, 27 – Creative director, Mobius Digital
  3. Finn Brice, 28 – Founder, Chuckflish Limited
  4. Tommaso Checchi, 26 – Game developer, Mojang AB
  5. Adriaan de Jongh, 25 – Game designer, Self-employed
  6. Eefje Depoortere, 28 – Esports host, Riot Games
  7. Andy Dudynsky, 25 – Community manager, 343 Industries
  8. Mark Essen, 29 – Co-founder, Messhof LLC
  9. Carl-Arvid Ewerbring, 27 – Founder, Resolution Games
  10. Christopher Floyd, 28 – Co-founder, Indie Megabooth
  11. Nina Freeman, 25 – Game designer, Fullbright
  12. Tyler Glaiel, 25 – Owner, Eyebrow Interactive
  13. Devin Horsman, 29 – Technical director, River Studios Canada
  14. Meg Jayanth, 28 – Writer, Self-employed
  15. Ben Kane, 29 – Co-founder, Steel Crate Games
  16. Trent Kusters, 29 – Co-founder, League of Geeks
  17. Naomi Ladizinsky, 29 – Chief creative officer, Nix Hydra
  18. Aradhya Malhotra, 25 – Co-founder, Skyless Game Studios
  19. Nate Mitchell, 28 – Co-founder, Oculus VR
  20. Zoe Quinn, 28 – Co-founder, Crash Override Network
  21. Sonja Reid, 24 – Content creator, Self-employed
  22. David Rosen, 29 – CEO, Wolfire Games
  23. Ashley Ruhl, 28 – Cinematic designer, Telltale Games
  24. Thomas Silloway, 29 – Director of development, Psyonix
  25. Andy Sum, 25 – Co-founder, Hipster Whale
  26. Jordan Tayer, 29 – Influencer relations manager, Twitch
  27. Adriel Wallick, 29 – Game developer, MsMinotaur
  28. Gavan Wilhite, 27 – Co-founder, Altspace VR
  29. Lydia Winters, 28 – Brand director, Mojang
  30. Matt Zitzmann, 29 – Co-founder, Kamcord