Console tribe news - Gears of War 2: terza patch all'orizzonte
di: Giovanni Manca
Tutti i C.O.G. che popolano XBox Live da alcuni giorni stanno testando la patch, la seconda per Gears of War 2, rilasciata dal team Epic nel corso della settimana appena trascorsa. Se ancora non siete soddisfatti delle migliorie apportate, sappiate che dovrebbe arrivare, non si sa ancora quando, una terza patch. E’ quanto emerge dal forum ufficiale EPIC, in cui sono stati evidenziati tutti gli aspetti, molto discussi, che dovrebbero essere ritoccati, tra i quali in particolari gli effetti “devastanti” delle granate fumogene agendo sui tempi di reazione. Nella seconda pagina della news trovate gli stralci della discussione sul forum EPIC Games.
A country filter is being added:
Originariamente Scritto da joeGraf
A country filtering option will be in TU3. It doesn’t restrict you to your country because otherwise certain areas of the world would be unlikely to play a match. It will always prefer your country when there is a match/party available.
More Info On Lag:
Originariamente Scritto da Rod Fergusson
I’m sorry. It wasn’t addressed in this TU because it’s not actually an easy problem to solve and will require time to come up with the right solution for everyone. In the mean time we wanted to get all the exploit fixes released as soon as we could.
We know it’s an issue and we’re continuing to look at it and work on it.
Thanks for your patience.
Two Piecing is adressed:
Originariamente Scritto da joeGraf
The 2-piece is on our list to fix in the next TU. A partial fix was placed on our servers this afternoon and limits the usefulness of the technique.
More weapon balance will be coming:
Originariamente Scritto da joeGraf
We will continue to adjust balance of the weapons over time. TU2 allowed us more finely grained control of updating our weapons via our servers. We’ll use this to tweak balance in an ongoing basis. For instance, a change went in today to reduce the effectiveness of the “2-piece”
On the subject of unranked playlists/player matches:
Originariamente Scritto da Mark Rein
We’re exploring lots of options but I can’t say for certain what we will or won’t do.
The Epic Crew plans on doing some “experimenting” with playlists:
Originariamente Scritto da Mark Rein
We really do not know. But the good news is that as of TU2 we can tweak a lot more parameters within the game without a new title update (more of that coming in TU3). In addition it is time for us to start trying a few things with the playlists.
Epic plans on addressing standbyers to some extent.
Originariamente Scritto da Mark Rein
We’re working on ideas to put folks who standby in their proper place. But we can’t elaborate on them at this point in time.
Cliffy B posted! He mentioned a possible fix on Smoke Grenades.
Originariamente Scritto da CliffyB
::wipes sleep from eyes::
Wha? I’m here! What’s up?
Smoke grenades can be a bit annoying. We’re looking into it.
Some more miscellaneous info.
Originariamente Scritto da Mark Rein
Yes I believe there are more things we can tweak without an update and even more cool things planned for TU3. At lunch the other day Cliff said he’d love to try something like “Smoke Free Fridays”. We’re also discussing mixing up the playlists. Believe it or not, a lot of the conversations we have about the online gameplay mirror, and are very influenced, by the (more civil) conversations in this forum. So keep it civil, think about the implications of your requests and listen to people who (nicely) disagree with you. Even in times when you think we’re not listening the good debates absolutely filter through to us.
After being convinced that people should be allowed to talk freely to their opponents between rounds, Mark Rein says: