Ecco i contenuti sbloccabili in WWE 2K16
Arene, lottatori e molto altro
di: Luca SaatiCome da tradizione per i videogiochi della serie WWE, anche WWE 2K16 avrà una serie di contenuti da sbloccare compiendo determinate azioni nel gioco. Sul web è trapelata la lista completa di questi contenuti:
- King Of The Ring
- Wrestlemania 12
- Survivor Series
- Wrestlemania 13
- King Of The Ring
- Revenge Of The Taker
- D-Generation X
- Wrestlemania 14
- Over The Edge
- Unforgiven
- Summerslam
- Rock Bottom
- St Valentines Day Massacre
- Wrestlemania 15
- Backlash
- King Of The Ring
- Fully Loaded
- Royal Rumble
- No Way Out
- Wrestlemania 17
- Wrestlemania 19
- ECW November To Remember 1995
- WCW Bash At The Beach 1991
- Billy Gunn
- Bret Hart
- Brian Pillman
- British Bulldog
- Chris Jericho 01
- Col. Robert Parker
- D’Lo Brown
- Dude Love
- Faarooq
- Haku
- Honkey Tonk Man
- Jake The Snake Roberts
- Jim Neidhart
- Kama Mustafa
- Kane 01
- Ken Shamrock
- Mankind
- Mark Henry 98
- Mikey Whipwreck
- Mr McMahon 98
- Mr McMahon
- The Giant
- Paul Bearer
- Ricky Steamboat
- Rikishi
- Savio Vega
- Shane McMahon
- Shawn Michaels
- Stephanie McMahon
- Stone Cold 97
- Stone Cold 03
- Stunning Steve Austin
- Superstar Steve Austin
- Ted DiBiase
- The Rock 03
- Triple H 01
- Undertaker 99
- Undertaker 01
- Vader
- X-Pac
- Championships
- Million Dollar
- Smoking Skull
- Intercontinental (98-11)
- Tag Team (02-10)
- Intercontinental (94)
- WCW Tag Team
- ECW Tag Team
- Bret Hart (WM13 and IYH: 14)
- Brian Pillman (Flyin)
- British Bulldog (RAW 97)
- Dude Love (Over The Edge 1998)
- Jim Neidhart (IHY: Revenge Of The Taker)
- Kane 01 (Summerslam 1998, Royal Rumble 01, Backlash 01)
- Ken Shamrock (RAW 1998)
- Mankind (1999)
- Mr McMahon (King Of The Ring 99, Wrestlemania 17)
- Paul Bearer (RAW 99)
- Shawn Michaels (King Of The Ring 97 and Wrestlemania 14)
- Stone Cold (Wrestlemania 12, 13, 14, 17, and 19. RAW June 98, Summerslam 1998 RAW November 98, King Of The Ring 1999, Fully Loaded 1999, Royal Rumble 01, No Way Out 01, Stunning Steve Austin at Clash Of The Champions)
- The Rock (Wrestlemania 15,17, and 19, RAW November 1998, Royal Rumble 01, Vengeance 01)
- Triple H (No Way Out 2001 and Backlash 2001)
- The Undertaker (June 1998, Summerslam 1998, RAW November 1998, Rock Bottom 1998, RAW June 1999, Fully Loaded 1999, Backlash 01)
Ricordiamo che WWE 2K16 sarà disponibile dal 30 Ottobre per PS4, PS3, Xbox One e Xbox 360.