Dati di vendita del mese di luglio: Xbox360-PS3
Console tribe news - Dati di vendita del mese di luglio: Xbox360-PS3
di: markIl noto analista Michael Patcher ritiene che l’Xbox 360 abbia venduto più di PS3 nel mese di luglio. Le stime di vendita parlano, infatti, di 275.000 unità per Xbox 360 contro le 250.000 di PS3. L’incremento delle vendite di Xbox360, secondo Patcher, è legato ai recenti cut price.
This increase in 360 sales represents a stark contrast from Microsoft’s struggle to sell 219,800 units in the month of June, and if it can be attributed to a lower priced 360 then perhaps they would be wise to follow through with the rumoured “real” price drop this holiday. You’ll find Michael Pachter’s full statement concerning the sales of all three consoles below.
“We estimate sell-through of 650,000 Wii, 275,000 Xbox 360 and 250,000 PS3 consoles. Our console sell-through forecasts reflect our belief that supplies for Wii hardware were steady this month (we expect a supply increase to hit the U.S. in August), and our belief that Xbox 360 hardware sales grew in the month due to recent clearance pricing for the Xbox 360 Pro (20Gb) to $299 from $349.”