
Burnout Paradise: nuova patch in arrivo

Console tribe news - Burnout Paradise: nuova patch in arrivo

di: Simothecrow

Se desiderate sfrecciare ancora per le strade di Paradise City, ma questa volta su un bolide a due ruote, tenetevi pronti perchè a breve questo sarà possibile. Da tempo si vociferava di un update per Burnout Paradise che avrebbe permesso ai giocatori di salire a bordo delle moto per affrontare le varie sfide che il gioco offre, e ora finalmente è arrivata una data in cui questo sarà reso possibile da un nuovo aggiornamento gratuito del titolo. Il Team@Criterion, direttamente dal sito della software house, rende noto che la patch arriverà il prossimo 18 settembre -senza specificare però per quale piattaforma- e conterrà diverse novità, tra cui appunto l’utilizzo delle moto, ed altri supplementi presenti nel successivo comunicato apparso sul sito di Criterion:

We’re finally able to announce that our latest free downloadable Burnout pack bikes will be out 18th September!!!

It’s tough to give specific dates on downloadable content, because we don?t know for certain until the last minute. But hey, we’re really excited about bringing bikes to Burnout, so we’re going to take a chance and tell you that we’re aiming for September 18 ? that’s this coming Thursday!

If you missed our earlier posts, here’s what’s coming:

Pick from 2 motorcycles featuring male or female characters and start on a whole new progression to earn your Bike License.
38 new against-the-clock race events ? Burning Ride and Midnight Ride.
A brand new in-game 24 hr day / night cycle that impacts traffic density and available events. (It’s fully customisable ? you can make it day/night/change the clock speed ? it’s up to you.)
Dynamic weather brings an all-new look to Paradise City
And if that’s not enough, we’ve got 70 more Freeburn Challenges too

Freeburn is Burnout?s uninterrupted drop-in / drop-out online play. It?s a cool collaborative experience, so it’s all about hanging out with your friends, messing around in vehicles while racing, pulling tricks and crashing in a massive open world city.

If 350 fun, co-operative challenges aren?t enough to keep you and your friends occupied, the Bike Pack throws a further 70 to the mix. These bike-exclusive challenges are split 50:50 between regular challenges and timed, against-the-clock challenges for those that enjoy a little more intensity.

We’ve got more detail on bikes in our latest video podcast ? Crash TV. You can see it now on iTunes.

Next week, we’re talking trophies.