
Ancora crash per PS3: tocca al firmware 2.60 **UPDATE**

Console tribe news - Ancora crash per PS3: tocca al firmware 2.60 **UPDATE**

di: enry100

Sony ha rilasciato da qualche giorno il nuovo firmware 2.60. Secondo quanto riporta il sito, tale aggiornamento causerebbe molti problemi al monolite della casa nipponica, a partire da crash del sistema fino ad una completa rottura del lettore Blu-Ray. Sony è a conoscenza della notizia e a quanto pare sarebbe già in sviluppo un fix per ovviare al problema dei crash. Stay Tuned.

Sonys recent 2.60 firmware update for the PS3 added a new photo feature and some minor security updates, but some users are getting much more than that. Instead of fixing the console, the latest firmware update is actually destroying many users consoles and is a wide known issue.

Many people are experiencing a disc error where their console will no longer recognize discs. The issue has something to do with the firmware update ?burning? out the lens. Others are having settings reset and random errors throughout the console including the photo feature crashing their system. Note that not everyone is having these issues, but it is best to probably hold off on updating until a fix is issued.

Sony has stated that the firmware update if just has a glitch and it is not a hardware issues similar to Mircrosofts Xbox 360 Red Ring of Death and will be fixed. The fix can be issued via a firmware update and users should wait for this version to update. The only problem is, this issue has been popping up randomly the past couple days and is not getting worse. It took this long for Sony to acknowledge the issue but they are normally good at releasing a fix and taking down the current problem. We really have no official date when a fix for the broken consoles will be released.

Stay with PS3Center and we gather further news and another official word from Sony.


Dallo stesso sito da cui abbiamo tratto la news, troviamo un’intervento di un portavoce Sony:

The faults that you have been told about are simply normal faults and it is purely coincidental that they happen at the time of an upgrade. More people use their PS3s when there is an update and much like with a new software title, at those times of high use there is an increase in the number of faults. We simply recommend that those whose PS3s have broken contact their local customer care centre

I problemi sarebbero quindi pure coincidenze avvenute durante un normale upgrade del firmware della console. Sony consiglia quindi di portare le loro Playstation 3 in assistenza per intervenire con la riparazione.