Analisti: la 360 miglior console all’E3
Console tribe news - Analisti: la 360 miglior console all'E3
di: XabySecondo l’analista Mike Goodman, la migliore piattaforma delle 3 console “da casa” è stata XBox 360. A partire dalla nuova dashboard per finire all’annuncio di Final Fantasy per la console di casa Redmond, XBox 360 ha dato spettacolo e ha fatto gioire tutti i suoi possessori. Ecco le parole di Goodman:
This week’s E3 Media and Business Summit in Los Angeles gave each major console maker — Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo — the chance to showcase the future of their platforms.
Microsoft added social functions and new entertainment options to the Xbox 360 , Sony trumpeted a video store and an upcoming price cut for the PlayStation 3 , and Nintendo gave gamers a glimpse of a new controller add-on and upcoming games like “Wii Sports Resort.”
However, if any of the Big 3 could be said to have “won” E3 this year, then Microsoft takes the top prize, according Mike Goodman, director of digital entertainment for the Yankee Grou