
Fable II: la patch cooperativa è pronta

Console tribe news - Fable II: la patch cooperativa è pronta

di: Santi "Sp4Zio" Giuffrida

Qualche giorno fa Lionhead Studios aveva dichiarato che la modalità cooperativa online di Fable II sarebbe stata disponibile, previo update, il giorno del lancio, ovvero questo venerdì. Oggi, dal sito ufficiale degli sviluppatori ci giunge notizia che la patch è già pronta, per cui non appena inserirete il disco del gioco nella vostra console, l’aggiornamento verrà scaricato in modo del tutto automatico.

Terrific news! Lionhead and Microsoft Game Studios confirmed today that the online co-op ?Fable II? multiplayer feature update is confirmed for a first day free download on Xbox LIVE, worldwide (21st October). We are pleased to provide ?Fable II? fans around the world with the chance to hop in and out of their friend?s ?Fable II? worlds, to meet their heroes, dogs, spouses and experience Albion, together online. ?Fable II? will be available at retailers throughout North America on October 21 and across Europe on October 24.

You would never have noticed, we could just have told you we’d be “switching on the servers” and gotten away with it. I think… Wink [;)]

Oh, for what its worth, not even we at Lionhead have received our own personal retail copies… granted, we could always play it on the devkits… but there is nothing better than sitting on your own couch in your own living room and in your own pants (hopefully), playing the game on your own TV and handing the second controller to your own (well, hopefully) partner for coop.

Well done to the team in the US and over here in Guildford!